Terms and conditions


These general Terms and Conditions apply to the use of any information, pictures, documents and/or other services on the following online store https://paulageorge.online/,  (called shortly “Website”). Please, carefully read these terms and conditions before accessing and/or ordering any goods from the Website.

The Website is operated by PaulaGeorge Europe Ltd. ,  with official registration address :
1000 Sofia, 67 Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Blvd, 5th floor, ap.11
VAT Number: BG 205779384.

We reserve the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions form periodically. You will be subject to the Terms and Conditions which are in force at the moment, when you order is made.

If you have any questions about our website please contact support@paulageorge.online


Paulageorge.online online pages may contain links to other sites on the Internet. Hereby, PaulaGeorge Europe Ltd. declares explicitly that it has no influence on the layout or content of the linked pages. Therefore,PaulaGeorge Europe Ltd. dissociates itself from contents of linked pages of third parties. This declaration applies for all displayed links and for all contents of pages to which the links lead.


Unless otherwise specified the intellectual property rights in the contents of all the pages in this website, are owned or licensed to PaulaGeorge Europe Ltd. , or are used with permission from the owner.

The contents of this website may not be copied, reproduced, modified, downloaded or used in any form without our prior written permission.


We take all feedback seriously and aim to deal with complaints as quickly and effectively as possible.

For complaints relating to orders placed through our website please email support@paulageorge.online
To assist us in dealing with your requests, please detail all aspects of the complaint, your order number and your contact details.

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